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General Biochemistry

Enrollment is Closed

Course Description

Contributions of biochemistry toward an understanding of the structure and functioning of organisms, tissues, and cells. Chemistry and functions of constituents of cells and tissues and the chemical and physical-chemical basis for the structures of nucleic acids, proteins, and carbohydrates. Basic enzymology and biochemical reaction mechanisms involved in macromolecular synthesis and degradation, signaling, transport, and movement. General metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and nitrogen-containing materials such as amino acids, proteins, and related compounds.

Lecture: MWF 9:30-11 (10-250)


Prereq: 5.12, Biology (GIR), or permission of instructor

Course Staff

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Matthew Vander Heiden

Eisen and Chang Career Development Professor; Associate Professor of Biology

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Michael B. Yaffe

David H. Koch Professor in Science; Professor of Biological Engineering; Howard S. and Linda B Stern Career Development Professor