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Inclusive Teaching Module


Course Description

Welcome to the Inclusive Teaching Module! We are so glad you are joining us. Here is a quick summary of who this module is for, what it contains, how to engage, and why we designed it.

Who: Open to anyone at MIT and especially designed for those in teaching roles (faculty, teaching staff, TAs).

What: In this online module, you can explore why inclusive teaching is relevant and important by articulating the multiple intersecting identities you hold, and reflecting upon how your identities influence your experiences with education. We introduce reflective teaching through a framework of how to critically examine specific teaching practices, which you can then try yourself. The majority of the module includes practice in distinguishing inclusive practices from less inclusive practices, and identifying why common teaching practices may or may not be inclusive through scenario-based assessments with elaborate explanations. The online module is capped with an action plan and annotated resources for you to think through the next steps in your inclusive teaching development.

How: Explore the material at your own pace, guided by the topics that interest you most. We understand that not everyone wants to or has time to engage in all aspects of the module. We see this online module as a great companion to the many workshops and trainings MIT has to offer on diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts.

Why: We want to go beyond sharing tips or lists on how to teach in an inclusive manner. Our goals are to encourage your ability to empathize with students, evaluate your instructional choices, and reflect on what inclusive teaching means for your teaching environment.
